
Sri Vadirajatirtharu

Sri Vadirajatirtha happened to be the ever luminous crest jewel of the succession of Sri Vishnutirtha. Vadiraja was born on Magha Shukla Dwadashi of Sharvari Samvatsara (1481 A.D) by the grace of Vagishatirtha, the nineteenth in the hierarchy of Vishnutirtha. His parents were Sri Ramacharya and Gouri. His birth name was spelled as Varaha as he was born with the blessings of Lord Varaha, favourite and presiding deity (idol) given by Madhva to Vishnutirtha. As destined by destiny, Vadiraja's birth took place outside the residence. The essential Samskaras such as Jatakarma, Namakarana etc. were performed on time. Varaha's Upanayanam was celebrated at the age of five and he was ordained the Samnyasashrama soon after the completion of 7 years by Vagishatirtha. He was named as Vadirajatirtha. The Ashramanama is significant as it conveys the rich proficiency and pre-eminence in delivering the true import of lores in skilful manner with fitness evoking surprise. It also means that Vadiraja is an undaunted debater like mighty lion to the elephants of opponents. Vadiraja studied a few primary works under Vidyanidhi, (a senior disciple of Vagishatirtha) and after his demise, he continued his studies under his Guru Vagishatirtha.

When Vadiraja completed the higher studies in different Shastras, he made up his mind to go on a sacred tour to propagate the Dvaita Siddhanta, take the holy bath in the sacred rivers and have the Darshana of Lord and other deities in many places and also to bless the ardent and qualified devotees. It was also a tour to gain wide experience and a chance to exhibit the mystic power involuntarily. He travelled the entire country several times and composed a unique work in Sanskrit viz; Tirthaprabandha that gives an account of various holy Hindu temples, places, sacred rivers and reservoirs.

Vadiraja did many miracles not for the sake of name and fame but to propitiate the Lord and bless the grieved. Next to Madhva, he was the only person who visited Urdhvabadari. At the direction of Lord Vedavyasa, Vadiraja authored an excellent commentary on Mahabharata namely Laksha-lankara. By virtue of this, Vadiraja fulfilled the coveted desire of his mother. Vadiraja brought the Vyasamushti back from Vyasarajaru and kept it in the Madhyavatamatha for daily worship. Since then, the Madhyavatamatha has been under the possession of Sode Vadiraja Matha. As promised, the supreme Lord in the form of Hayagriva (as an Archavatara) appeared before Vadiraja and blessed him. Vadiraja got that Hayagriva icon from Daivajna brahmin's abode. He acco-rded Vaishnavadiksha to Daivajna brahmins and accepted them as Sishyas. Since then, he used to worship and offer a special sweet dish